Cinemas, theatres, social events, but also a variety of entertainment venues, bars or clubs are the easiest options to enjoy entertainment and culture. Choose the business and do not hesitate to visit it, or buy your own equipment and organize something of your own.

Services: - area of television transmissions and recordings

Services: - organization of celebrations of a historical nature - historical fencing, knight tournaments, historical festivals, markets

Film production. Taking and processing photos and videos.

Production, filming - audiovisual works from social events - spots - reports - documents. Services - complete service during filming - live projection, broadcasts - post-production - digitization - equipment rental.

Services: - creation, organization of celebrations of a historical nature - jousting tournaments - city festivities - fakers

Production: - furniture - the kitchen - wardrobes

Services - music videos - recording studio - graphic studio - web design

Services - representation and provision of artists, bands, production - cultural and social events

Organizing - team building - outdoor training - corporate events

Organization of corporate and social events on a turnkey basis. Video studio. Everyone has a professional camera and equipment, but that is not enough for meaningful video presentations and films. We rely on quality dramaturgy. In front of the camera are people with their stories. We make films about people. This is the most effective way ...