Education in Czech primary schools ensures the acquisition of basic knowledge and the knowledge of minors in the context of all disciplines. Compulsory attendance begins at age six and lasts for nine years. Basic education is graded on first and second degree.

Benešov Elementary School, Jiráskova 888 provides comprehensive basic education from 1st to 9th grade. The school has professional classrooms, a sports hall, a school canteen and a school club. We try to create a calm and pleasant working atmosphere for students. We offer hobby groups such as swimming, cooking, art circle, skating, playing the ...

The education of children has a long tradition in the village of Pyšely and our school can be proud of 325 years of its demonstrable existence. We provide our students with quality basic education and our goal is to educate socially strong personalities capable of living in modern civil society, prepare them for further education and lifelong ...

Elementary school and Kindergarten Louňovice pod Blaníkem, allowance organization offers teaching according to educational porogram Start together and try to create ideal conditions for children's education. We emphasize an individual approach to children using a range of modern educational methods. In our school we provide basic education, we use ...

A special elementary school for children with mental and sensory disabilities, speech defects, or those who are weak and sick.