Education in the Czech Republic implemented at primary, secondary, higher professional schools and universities, state, public or private. Scientific activity is performed on specialized workplaces, often on campus in the context of higher education.

Rehabilitation exercises, group exercises - health, rehabilitation, yoga.

Elementary School - school canteen tel. 739 220 981 - school group tel. 739 220 984.

Elementary School - school canteen tel. 485 135 999 - school group tel. 778 761 347. Kindergarten - tel. 724 577 363.

Elementary school, special elementary school - separate workplace Gollova, Liberec, tel. 488 577 790, 731 528 620.

Elementary school with extended language teaching - school canteen tel. 485 102 945 - school group tel. 736 410 521.

Elementary School - school canteen tel. 481 120 587 - school group tel. 734 368 477.

Elementary School - school canteen tel. 605 104 406, 488 880 162 - school group tel. 488 880 163, 775 058 229.

Elementary school and Elementary art school, Liberec - school canteen tel. 739 589 371 - school group tel. 731 400 173.

Elementary School - school canteen tel. 731 128 601 - school group tel. 484 801 111.

Elementary school, Liberec, ul. 5. května 64/49, contributory organization - school canteen tel. 734 234 104 - school group tel. 734 234 105.

Elementary school, Liberec, U Soudu 369/8, contributory organization - school canteen tel. 485 108 421, 736 756 525 - school group tel. 736 756 523.

Elementary school, Liberec, Dobiášova 851/5, contributory organization - school canteen tel. 485132957.