Education in the Czech Republic implemented at primary, secondary, higher professional schools and universities, state, public or private. Scientific activity is performed on specialized workplaces, often on campus in the context of higher education.

Elementary School. Kindergarten: Žižkova 268 phone: 476 747 445 Peace 224 Phone: 476 747 523

Services: -certification of management systems

Activity: - services in the field of OSH and PO - Environment - OSH and PO training, provision of first aid

Services: - lecturer and consultant for managerial and personal development.

Services: - education of workers working in forestry, agriculture, reclamation, landscaping and wood processing - cultivation activity in forestry - professional pruning and thinning - planting trees - logging - landscaping and maintenance

Activity: - table tennis training camps

Elementary School. Kindergarten, school group, school canteen, 1st - 2nd grade School 300 phone: 476 734 347

Dancing club Teaching: -standard and Latin American dances

An educational institution, a center for educational care and a secondary school.