Building - computing Service - computing Creation - websites Web hosting Construction - computer networks LAN, WIFI

Sales, retail: - white technology - household electrical appliances - tools - electronics - professional involvement and service.

Sale - computing - Consumables Service - computing Creation - websites - e-shops Data processing

Delivery and energy distribution equipment for LV and HV Projection - energy distribution equipment for LV and HV

Retail, sales: - mobile phones and accessories - T-mobile, UFON. Establishments: - Moravská Třebová, nám. T. G. Masaryk 148/30 - tel. 603 340 929 - Mohelnice, nám. Tyrš and Fügner 194/1 - tel. 731 818 747 - Jevíčko, Kostelní 41 - tel. 603 373 500.

Bazaar, e-shop: -amplifiers, tuners. -speakers. - gramophones. - Hi-Fi technology.

HM-Comp offers the cheapest computers, computer components, projectors, cameras. We also assemble our own computer assemblies for which we provide a 6-year warranty. I am also a distributor of computers for LYNX, Acer, Apple and many other brands.

Repair, service, maintenance, installation: - computing: - computers, laptops. Services: - consulting in the field of hardware - free diagnosis of the problem - mechanical cleaning - de-virusing the computer - computer acceleration - upgrade - improvement of components.

Services: - consulting in the field of information technology - de-virusing computers. Repair, service, maintenance: - computer technology, computer technology: - computers, laptops.

Sales, service, repairs, regular maintenance: - information technology: - computer sets, computers, laptops - office equipment Installation, repair: - software, operating systems. Proposals, solutions, delivery: - computer networks for households or companies - cable LAN network or wireless WLAN. Graphic works: - company ...

Authorized dealer of the Czech manufacturer of kitchens and furniture - brand Damio. Sale. - built-in, free-standing and small electrical appliances: - ovens, hobs, refrigerators, dishwashers, extractor hoods, washing machines, microwave ovens, stoves, water heaters - pressure cookers, sets of stainless steel dishes and ...

Retail sales: - computers, laptops, monitors - computer components. Services: - Windows and Linux OS installation - installation of any applications - antivirus etc. - reinstallation including data backup - recovery of data from damaged media - designs, implementation and management of LAN and WLAN networks - high speed internet ...

Security Agency. Services: - physical security of property - protection of persons - PCO - Central Protection Desk - monitoring of objects - installation and revision of EMS, EPS, CCTV - technical-organizational activity in the field of on-demand protection and health and safety at work OSH - cleaning services for ...

Operation, rental: - beverage machines. Sale: - bathroom accessories.

Activity: -investor - construction -assembly - project in the field of energy strong current -communication equipment - counseling - training activity. Work: - electrical installation. - with an AD 080 mobile crane - high-lift platform A13 - appropriate facade repairs and plumbing work. Revision: - ...

Delivery - GPS electronic logbook, camera systems, - security systems, satellite and antenna technology, residential and industrial wiring, delivery of house phones.

Automation Department. Projection, creation and deployment of information (monitoring) and management system of industrial processes. Headquarters: Velká nad Veličkou 628 696 74 Velká nad Veličkou

Redemption: - excess stock - engineering production - spare parts - office supplies - industrial products, etc. Dismantling and recycling: - unsaleable products - spare parts. Commercial and intermediary activity. Wholesale: - bearings and their accessories

Assembly and provision: - high speed internet - VoIP telephony. Sales, service: - computer and office equipment of the brands Comfor, Prestigio and Acer. Design and implementation of structured cabling (LYNX cabling system certification). Sales, installation: - UPC satellite technology, SkyLink. Creation and management of web ...

Production - electric motors - generators - transformers

Manufacture, installation and repair of electrical machinery and apparatus Repair: - electric boilers - heaters - storage heater - mechanical centrifuges - washing machines - electric and combined stoves - replacement of electric boilers - electrical service Warranty and post-warranty

Electrical engineer work Rewinding - coils Industrial automation

Sale: -drugstore - cameras -newspapers, magazines - traffic -tobacco, cigarettes, smoking accessories.