Financial advice in the areas of personal, but also corporate finance includes advice on how to reduce expenses and increase revenue. Part of the service is determining the financial objectives of the council as at the effective funding, analysis of income and expenditure and drawing up a financial plan.

Commercial representative of ČMSS - negotiation of loans for housing, building savings and insurance.

Activities of accounting consultants, bookkeeping Providing legal assistance and financial economic advice in matters of taxes, levies, fees and other similar payments, as well as in matters directly related to taxes Processing of expert opinions in the fields - economy - branch of accounting records and - economy - various economic branches - ...

We operate in the field of consulting services: - grant, financial and organizational consultancy - organizational assurance of the awarding of public contracts and related consultancy - delivery of technologies for waste water treatment plants and the realization of constructions, by which we try to achieve the maximum complexity of the ...

I work as a mortgage and financial advisor with clients throughout the Hradec Králové region. I provide them not only with basic financial advice, but also, for example, a comparison of mortgages or a mortgage calculator.