Bank and non-bank loans, life, travel and pension insurance and other financial services offer banking companies, non-bank firms and insurance companies. If you need to in this financial and legal areas of advice, contact your financial advisor.

Provision or mediation of consumer credit. Building savings, insurance. Other offices: Masarykovo nám. 37 69701 Kyiv Phone: 518612134 Svatoplukova 519 69801 Veselí nad Moravou Telephone connection: Phone: 518322942 Nursing home 69674 Velká nad Veličkou Phone: 602539124 Nám. Svobody 808, CK Dobřecká 69681 Bzenec Phone: ...

Building savings, loans, mortgages, insurance. Advice.

Provision of insurance, financial advice, savings.

Insurance of persons, property, motor vehicles, liability and industrial and business risks. Financial advice.

Accounting office. Tax consultancy, bookkeeping, tax record keeping. Wages.

Activities of accounting consultants, bookkeeping, tax records.

Complex services: -bookkeeping -bookkeeping and tax records - processing (reconstruction) of all submitted documents for accounting - salary and personnel agenda - economic, accounting, tax consultancy -representation in negotiations with the authorities -archiving of documents - other accounting and related services.

interruption: from: 16.8.2013. Financial advice.

Financial consulting, real estate agency. Mediation - loans - mortgages - residential premises.

Tax consultancy. Tax advisor, financial and economic advice.

Tax consultancy. Tax advisor.

Insurance consultancy. Financial advice.

Services: -financial advice -insurance -saving.

Activities of accounting consultants, bookkeeping, tax records.

Bookkeeping, tax records and payroll processing.

Bookkeeping. Payroll processing, tax processing.

Consulting services in the field of business.