Bank and non-bank loans, life, travel and pension insurance and other financial services offer banking companies, non-bank firms and insurance companies. If you need to in this financial and legal areas of advice, contact your financial advisor.

Investment activity: - provision of zoning and construction decisions - exemption from ZPF - investors technical Supervision Investment engineering activity in investment construction: - provision of zoning and construction decisions - exemption from ZPF - investors technical Supervision

Bookkeeping - accounting - taxes - wages and human resources - accounting consultancy

Valuation of property - movable and immovable things - intangible assets - financial property - businesses - expert activity - expert institute

Development company Art&Building s.r.o. operates in the segment of the real estate market with a focus on the renovation and furnishing of luxury apartments. The company also deals with the management of these objects, financial consultancy and the preparation of real estate for sale or rent.

We offer: - audit services - tax advice - human resources and wages - accounting services - valuation - economic and organizational consulting

Tearing work Construction work Locksmith work Bookkeeping

Software for non-bank entities (whether legal entities or natural persons) providing loans and credits against real estate collateral. User training. Customized software modification Service, hot line services. Consultation in the legal and economic field of lending. Analytical evaluation of the effectiveness of the services ...

We offer mediation of civil and business insurance, mortgages and building savings, including provision of service and liquidation of insurance claims.

Activities of accounting consultants, bookkeeping, tax records.

Services: - heat production - production of electricity - business in the field of hazardous waste management - plumbing, heating - thermal energy production and thermal energy distribution, not subject to a license, realized from thermal energy sources with an installed power of one source above 50 kW - bookkeeping, tax records

Representation of clients in relations with insurance companies, especially in the field of industrial and business insurance. For our contractual clients, we provide the following free of charge: - audit of existing insurance contracts, preparation of offers from leading insurers - assistance in the liquidation of insurance claims - ...

Comprehensive advice in the field of finance, insurance and mortgages. Consulting services: -how to get out of financial problems -how to properly work with the family budget -how not to spend unnecessarily -how to use money to your benefit -how to invest easily according to your possibilities

Tax, accounting and economic consulting.

Audit: - verification of financial statements - audit according to IAS - report for special purposes Taxes: - tax advice - tax analysis - tax audit Another services: - accounting - wages - training - lectures.

We provide services in the area of: - accounting, economic and tax consultancy - management of accounting, payroll and personnel agendas.

Sale, rental of real estate. Financing in the form of mortgage loans. Legal, tax and financial services related to the sale, purchase or rental of real estate.