Bank and non-bank loans, life, travel and pension insurance and other financial services offer banking companies, non-bank firms and insurance companies. If you need to in this financial and legal areas of advice, contact your financial advisor.

Insurance - buildings Engineering activity - construction supervision Projection

Provides - lawyer services - drawing up a purchase contract - drawing up a gift contract - drawing up an easement contract - drawing up a rental agreement - drawing up a proposal for initiation of proceedings at the Land Registry for deposit of ownership rights Valuation of real estate according to price ...

Law Office - general practice - civil, tax, commercial, criminal, insolvency and administrative law

Economic and organizational consulting - strategic management Psychological counseling and diagnostics

Taxes - processing - consultancy Economic consultancy Bookkeeping - leadership - consultancy

Investors - engineering activity in construction Expert witness - field of economics and real estate Investor-engineering activity in construction - technical supervision of the builder - construction supervision They provide - consulting and advisory activities in the field of building construction

Mediation - mortgage and consumer loans Life, accident, car, liability insurance Elaboration of an expert opinion for the purposes of the tax office Sale and rent - apartments - family houses Sale and rent - commercial premises Consulting in the field of real estate - purchase and rental contracts, on ...

Mediation - investment Dating event Mediation - shop - services - trading on world stock exchanges, including training Mediation - work via the Internet

Mediation - Life Insurance - private property and liability insurance - travel insurance - accident insurance - Car insurance

Law Office - housing, insolvency, commercial and labor law - mergers and acquisitions

Autosalon, authorized dealer, sales: - KIA cars. Car service, repair of all car brands: - preparation for MOT + emissions -oil changes and vehicle maintenance - P+Z axle geometry -brake adjustment, turning discs - adjusting the lights -engineering and electrical work - body work and painting work -washing vehicles and cleaning ...