Bank and non-bank loans, life, travel and pension insurance and other financial services offer banking companies, non-bank firms and insurance companies. If you need to in this financial and legal areas of advice, contact your financial advisor.

Banking services: - current accounts and foreign currency accounts - credit cards - deposits - other banking services. More information - tool-free line 00420-800 100001.

Banking services: - current accounts and foreign currency accounts - credit cards - deposits - other banking services. More information - tool-free line 00420-800 100001.

I am a lawyer specializing in family, civil, criminal, misdemeanor and labor law operating in Prague 8.

Knowledge - accounting - tax records processing - salary and personnel agenda Cleaning work washing - windows Rental - ships - boating equipment Minor construction and finishing works Locksmith work production - grids - fences - gates

Accounting company EKSER s.r.o. has been involved in the processing of tax records, accounting, payroll and taxes for individuals, legal entities, budgetary, contributory and non-profit organizations for many years. We are based in Prague 10, our branch office is located in Mimon. Our activities, services:  - bookkeeping  - processing of tax ...

Financial service Medical service Pharmaceutical service Training - economy - marketing - sale

Notary JUDr. Miloslav Peterka with headquarters in Prague, Na Příkopě 853/12 - passage Černá Růže provides all services according to Act. No. 358/1992 Coll., of the notary's code and, as a court commissioner, he is authorized by the District Court for Prague 4 in estate proceedings. We offer you complete notary services, managing inheritance ...

We help you protect your ideas. We provide legal advice in the field of intellectual property, mainly related to registration, maintenance and protection strategy. The portfolio of services we offer our clients includes: - conducting negotiations and preparing contractual documentation or other legal documentation related to individual ...

MONEUS is a team of experts in tax consulting, accounting and company formation. Our experience extends beyond the borders of the Czech Republic. We also specialize in international taxation and company formation abroad. We tailor our services to your requirements and help you get the most out of your business.

The Chamber of Notaries of the Czech Republic is a legal entity based in Prague, which is made up of eight regional chambers of notaries. Each notary is a member of the regional chamber of notaries in whose district he has his seat. The Notary Chamber of the Czech Republic (Chamber) and regional notary chambers perform notary ...

We provide services and advice in the field of financial audit, taxes, bookkeeping, payroll and tax records. We provide reporting or management reporting. We will provide legal services. We establish and manage business companies. We provide comprehensive accounting, payroll processing and tax records, which enables our clients to transfer ...