Bank and non-bank loans, life, travel and pension insurance and other financial services offer banking companies, non-bank firms and insurance companies. If you need to in this financial and legal areas of advice, contact your financial advisor.

Banking services: - current accounts and foreign currency accounts - credit cards - deposits - other banking services. More information - tool-free line 00420-800 100001.

Provision of legal services in all areas of law.

Tax returns - representation in offices Knowledge - accounting - tax records - wages - representation in offices

Autobazar: - sale of used vehicles - consignment sale - redemption for cash - leasing - car insurance.

Mrs. lawyer Mgr. Jana Hansalanderová runs a general practice in her office, preferring the following legal areas: civil law, family law, defense in criminal matters for power of attorney and ex officio or purchase and gift contracts regarding real estate, including making a declaration of authenticity of the signature. My goal is to protect and ...

Services: - financial advice.

Services: - insurance and financial advice - arranging insurance

Audit activity: - audits of regular, extraordinary financial statements - audit of consolidated financial statements - audit of interim financial statements. Tax advice.

Forensic expert, expert pillows: - handwriting expertise - handwritten lettering.

Sales Representative: - Českomoravská stavební spořitelna.

Services - bookkeeping and tax processing - accounting courses - financial advice. Activity - plumbing work - heating work - electrical work.

Sales representative of ČMSS - arranging building savings, housing loans with Českomoravská stavební spořitelna.

Activity: - transportation construction - earthworks - civil engineering - production and sale of crushed aggregates - production and sale of asphalt mixtures - road freight transport. Address: Fronek, spol. s r.o. Still life 2488 Rakovník, 269 01

Consulting for foreign companies entering the European and Czech markets Construction industry

Services - bookkeeping - tax and payroll records - management of personnel agenda.

Activities of accounting consultants, keeping accounting and tax records

Comprehensive offer of financial products. Internet banking. For individuals: - loans - accounts - leasing - cards - direct banking - savings - insurance. For companies: - loans - direct banking - business accounts - term deposits - leasing - Credit cards.