Dental office offers comprehensive dental care. This care includes regular checkups, dental hygiene, tartar removal, treatment of dental caries, bleaching of teeth, root canal cleaning, but also dental implants or acute treatment of painful teeth.

Danglart dental office offers comprehensive services in the field of restorative and aesthetic dentistry, prosthetics, endodontics, surgery and implantology, orthodontics, periodontology and dental hygiene. Quality care with us includes consideration of the client's requirements and wishes, the use of quality materials and our own dental ...

Polyclinic Prague. Are you from Prague and looking for a pediatrician, doctor for adults, eye specialist, psychologist, dentist? Would you like to have all the doctors for your child and yourself under one roof? We are a medical facility providing care in the fields of general medicine, paediatrics, ophthalmology, internal medicine in the ...

Leading specialists in the fields are available to our patients: - allergology - dermatology - gynecology - internal medicine - ophthalmology - ENT (ear, nose, throat) - practitioner - psychology - psychiatry - rehabilitation and dentistry.

We treat patients in the fields of aesthetic dentistry, orthodontics, laser therapy, and prosthetics. We apply psychosomatic and holistic medicine.