Specialized medical the workplace include physiotherapy, vertebral therapists, homeopathic counseling, clinic, alternative medicine, nutritional counseling, center of assisted reproduction or plastic surgery.

Psychologist Mgr. Pavlína Doležalová specializes in: - counselling, coaching and crisis intervention of adult children of alcoholics (DDA) and people who experienced childhood in dysfunctional families.

Transportation to rehabilitation and spa facilities. Transportation of clients and their companions. Medical assistance for all cultural, social, sports, film and other events, including the rental of ambulances. Transport of immobile, disabled and less mobile clients. Provision of transplant teams and organs for transplants. Repatriation to ...

MD Marek Kašpar runs a surgical and trauma clinic in Břeclav.

M.Sc. Ing. Valéria Kolcunová focuses on nutritional and psychological counseling.

Ivana Zemanová is an operator of a medical transport service.

Birth, postpartum doula. Lactation consultant. Teacher of antenatal preparation and carrying babies in a sling. La Cerrada closing ritual of the sextet.

Psychiatric clinic for children and adolescents.

Diabetology Surgery Internal - gastroenterology Echocardiology and cardiology Dermatology clinic Medical laboratory Hospital ward - ICU - nursing care Orthopedics Rehabilitation X-ray.

Comprehensive nutritional typology, counseling. Services: -consultation with a nutritionist -body diagnosis -biochemical examination, genetic examination -index weight loss, blood test, no diet, healthy eating -healthy lifestyle. Do you want to drop or gain? Maintain health and vitality. We will explain how to do it. Lose weight ...

We offer care, support and advice aimed at weight reduction or prevention and health support.