Specialized medical the workplace include physiotherapy, vertebral therapists, homeopathic counseling, clinic, alternative medicine, nutritional counseling, center of assisted reproduction or plastic surgery.

Nutritional counseling: - weight reduction, weight loss.

Surgery, services: - aesthetic dermatology - cosmetics

Services: - ambulance service - transport of patients

Services: - rheumatology and internal medicine clinic

Diagnosis of health status according to Eastern medicine. Healing: - Leech - Healing massages - cupping - lava stones - Sales of Tibetan supplements, food, herbs, herbal products and medicinal mushrooms. Establishment: Center for Alternative Medicine Dr. Albert Pražák 229 53863 Chroustovice u Chrudim

Gynecology clinic. Female doctor. Chrast surgery: - At Post Office 17 - phone: 469 667 223

Radio diagnostics, services: - X-ray, X-ray - ultrasound phone: 469 638 942; 724 871 535 X-ray workplace 2. + dental X-ray phone: 469 638 901, 702 003 986, 469 638 938

Gynecology clinic. Another doctor's office Palacký 165 tel. 469 638 923 ordinace-palackého@gynambchrudim.cz

Aesthetic and laser dermatology - treatment of skin diseases.

Activity: - alternative medicine - harmonization of the body.

Activity: - classical Chinese medicine - cosmology - FENG SHUI.

We provide consultancy in the field of nutrition.

Services: - psychological counseling - traffic psychological examination

Work with REIKI and RA SHEEBA energies

Surgical ambulance - proctology consulting room

Weight loss advice - drawing up a customized weight loss plan - weight loss - menu - sports - cosmetics