Specialized medical the workplace include physiotherapy, vertebral therapists, homeopathic counseling, clinic, alternative medicine, nutritional counseling, center of assisted reproduction or plastic surgery.

Services: -speech and communication center -speech therapist -psychology - occupational therapy

Dermatology - aesthetic dermatology - venereology.

Gynecological-obstetrics clinic. Continuing education of doctors in gynecology and obstetrics LEVRET - lectures - publication of professional magazines - lifelong learning program.

Marketing exact research - psychodiagnosis - brain training - analysis of promotion, measurement of emotions and cognitive reactions.

Radiodiagnostic workplace - Department of Nuclear Medicine.

Services: - diagnosis and treatment of neurological diseases

Medical facilities, services: - pediatric surgery - sports traumatology - orthopedics - physiotherapy Ambulance, Pod Marjánkou 1906/11: Phone: 724 187 316 - pediatric general surgery - proctology clinic - clinic for problems with the foreskin - consulting room for chest wall deformities

Mamma Center Háje - a workplace specialized in the diagnosis of malignant and non-malignant breast diseases.

Services: - implementation of clinical drug studies in the fields of psychiatry, neurology, diabetology, obesitology, gastroenterology, cardiology, hematology, pneumology, phlebology and dermatology.

Services: -complex medicine - stomatology and dental surgery -aesthetic medicine and dermatology -plastic and general surgery

A program for controlled and healthy weight loss.

We offer gradual, controlled and above all healthy weight loss.

Cryolipolysis - lymphatic drainage Obesitology Office of internal medicine Nutrition counseling