Specialized medical the workplace include physiotherapy, vertebral therapists, homeopathic counseling, clinic, alternative medicine, nutritional counseling, center of assisted reproduction or plastic surgery.

Surgery: - ENT - ear, nose, throat Workplace Prague: Ukrainian 11 tel.: 299 140 745

Neurological office Rehabilitation office Infusion treatment Acupuncture Psychosomatics

We operate a pulmonary and allergy clinic. We offer resting and post-exercise spirometry, bronchodilation tests, allergen skin tests, CRP (confirmation of bacterial infection), FENO (respiratory tract allergies). We provide counseling for quitting smoking. We offer preventive examinations and monitoring of pregnant women and workers working in a ...

Psychosocial, family and educational counseling, support for personal growth, conscious cultivation of family relationships, support for intuitive parenting.

Office of dermatovenerology - complete dermatological care - preventive examination of birthmarks - minor operations on the nipple, mollusc

Healing - kinesiology - alternative medicine - pranic healing - diagnostics - bioenergy treatment - deep abreactive psychotherapy, SRT, restructuring, crystal reiki I. and II., automatic drawing - energetic cleansing of blockages - biotherapist - magnetotherapy, magnetostimulation, biostimulation - Bach ...

Cleaning work - one-off and regular cleaning of offices and households - long term Nutritional counseling

Consulting activity in the field of lifestyle

Internal Hospital for long term sickness Speech therapist HOSPITAL Psychiatry Psychology Radiodiagnosis

Psychological counseling - psychotherapist

Courses - psychotherapy Psychological counseling - psychotherapy

Diabetology and obesity clinic - internal, diabetes and obesity clinic