You need to reserve the examination for the expert doctors? Orthopedics, surgery, neurology, ENT, gynecology, urology, psychiatry, genetic clinics, allergology, skin, eye or rheumatology are specialized workplaces of professional doctors.

Services in the entire scope of ambulatory gynecology and obstetrics. Prenatal diagnostics, care for pregnant women, ultrasound including 3D and 4D (live) imaging, infertility/sterility consulting room, office for the treatment of female urinary incontinence (weakened ability to hold urine, possibly occasional leakage of urine) - urodynamic ...

Orthopedics. Operating an orthopedic clinic: - performing sonography of children's hips and shoulders - sonographic diagnosis of the locomotor system.

A medical facility that provides extended surgical outpatient services and sonographic examinations. Treatment of varicose veins Treatment of hemorrhoids Treatment of skin tags Treatment of painful legs and joints

Surgery: - dentist, dentist. Dentist, dentist. Dental clinic. Services in the field of practical dentistry. Dental laboratory: - E + E (aesthetic and elastic) prostheses, ie making high-quality metal-free fixed and removable dental prostheses.

Surgery, services: - clinical and traffic psychology - Clinical psychology of children and adults - traffic psychological examination - psychologist

Medical devices: - gynecology clinic - surgical ambulance - accident ambulance.

Operation of the rehabilitation center. Offer of exercises for expectant mothers or fitness exercises. Vsetín – Nemocniční 945 – phone: 571490635, 774332246 Karolinka – Nábřežní ul. – phone number 571450014, 774332247.

Services in midwifery - educational activity during pregnancy - individual preparation for childbirth - accompaniment during childbirth in a medical facility - care of a woman in labor - breastfeeding

Comprehensive dental care. Specialist dental offices: Stomatosurgery and dental implantology, aesthetic dentistry, CEREC prosthetics, dental hygiene

Physiotherapy for acute and chronic pain conditions and problems of the musculoskeletal system - rehabilitation within neurological diagnoses including spinal cord lesions - children's psychomotor counseling - professional rehabilitation of infants and older children - rehabilitation of children with central coordination ...