Take a break from everyday worries and experience a classic massage, indian, chinese, lymphatic, chocolate, sports, pregnancy, reflexology, tantric or thai massage. Massage can also have a rehabilitative effect and will help you from health problems.

Services: -cosmetic, cosmetics. Permanent makeup Choose the part of your face you want to highlight: - upper eye lines, lower eye lines, eyebrows, lip contours, lip filling. Eyelash extensions - We apply permanent eyelashes using the eyelash to eyelash method. Dyeing of eyelashes and eyebrows. E-light 3D flash photoepilation RF skin ...

Alternative medicine - homeopathy - chakra treatment - Bach essences - psychotherapy Psychotherapy Massages (classic, Chinese, Indian, with lava stones, reflexology, manual lymphatic, anti-cellulite, Hawaiian, ...)

Massage - reconditioning - sporty Physical education consultancy - anthropological measurements.

Services: - Power Plate - massages -cosmetics for men -cosmetics -pedicure.

Colonic irrigation HYDROCOLON Rehabilitation - lymphatic drainage - reconditioning and relaxation massages

Services for weight loss and figure shaping hypoxitrainer, vacunaut, vacumassage fat reduction of problem areas - removing cellulite Sale - vitamin preparations - supplementary preparations STAR LIFE Massage.

Lesson - yoga - compensatory exercise Elaboration - exercise and nutrition plans Physiotherapy.

Pilates even for beginners - power yoga - Zumba - aqua aerobics - Nordic walking - taping and KINESIO TAPING - aerobics. Rehabilitation exercise.

Outpatient rehabilitation, physiotherapist: - physiotherapy - reflex and fiber massages - spine rehabilitation, exercise, warm-up and electrotherapy.

Studio Slim Body. Services: -wellness -VacuShape, BodyRoll - lymphatic drainage - infrared sauna -wraps of problem areas for weight loss -ultra Fit Massage – vibrating platform.

Interpretation from the cards. Numerology. REIKI Regressive therapy.

Services: - medical, lymphatic massages - psychotherapy - the EFT method - coaching - aromatherapy.