Take a break from everyday worries and experience a classic massage, indian, chinese, lymphatic, chocolate, sports, pregnancy, reflexology, tantric or thai massage. Massage can also have a rehabilitative effect and will help you from health problems.

Inspection and cleaning: - chimneys - flue gas routes. Chimney work: - milling, lining, inspections of chimneys with a service camera. Delivery, assembly: - facade multi-layer chimney systems made of stainless steel. Repair: -flues for gaseous and solid fuels. Massage services: - massages.

Sale - aromatherapy cosmetics NOBILIS TILIA, SALUS Sale - decorative and utilitarian ceramics Sale - teas - coffee - spices - wines - vegetable oils Sale - electric lamps - aroma lamps - wax decorative candles Aromatherapy Holistic aromatherapy massages

Sale - SOTHYS PARIS cosmetics products Cosmetics - SPA care for the skin of the whole body - day, evening, wedding and trendy make-up - all-day service on the wedding day - personal color harmony - a harrowing escapade Manicure - pedicure Makeup school Massage

Massage - reconditioning and regeneration massage - relaxing massage - sports massage - detox honey massage - Lymphatic massage - reflex massage - cupping - gentle sensory massage

Massage - classic rehabilitation massages - manual lymphatic drainage - cup massage - reflex massage - subtle techniques - application of ear candles - massage at your place

Reiki Lymphatic drainage, sports, reconditioning, honey, lava stone massages - cupping

Massage with lava stones, aroma, classic - cupping - regeneration

Reconditioning and regeneration massages

Courses - distance healing - reiki - esoterics - work with a pendulum - measurement of geopathogenic zones - massages Massage - for pregnant women - classic - Chinské energy - Dorn's method - traction - energy interactive - detox honey - massage with lava ...

Work, services: -massage - regenerative -reconditioning

Basic overview of our offer - body shaping using the HYPOXI method - permanent fat removal - vacuum massage - unrivaled cellulite removal - Power Plate - character strengthening - treatment of cellulite - relaxing massages - luxury salon care - cosmetic treatment with Christian Breton Paris - XtremeLashes™ permanent eyelash ...

Exercise activity. Sale: - original fashion Massage.

Solar studio Sauna - infrared cabin Salt Cave - wellness

Mobile sports and rehabilitation massages

Massage: - sporty - relaxing - Indian head massage - anti-stress - releasing joint blockages by positioning - lava stones - feet - Ayurvedic - herb bags.