Take a break from everyday worries and experience a classic massage, indian, chinese, lymphatic, chocolate, sports, pregnancy, reflexology, tantric or thai massage. Massage can also have a rehabilitative effect and will help you from health problems.

Services: - physiotherapy - medical rehabilitation - hydrotherapy

Massage, reconditioning and regeneration services Salt Cave

Physiotherapy center, rehabilitation for children and adults.

Therapeutic and experimental rehabilitation - above-standard physiotherapy and rehabilitation care

Rehabilitation and psychorehabilitation center.

Services - office massages for employees directly in the office.

We apply natural essential oils that help treat physical and mental illnesses. We teach patients to relax again, get rid of stress and depression.

Help Center - wellness center, counseling center - in the field of health, beauty, harmony, fitness, sport, weight loss, autopathy, prosperity.

Physiotherapy, rehabilitation - Chinese health exercise.

Services: - physiotherapy - medical rehabilitation

Services: - hairdresser - cosmetics - manicure - pedicure - massages

IRIS Regeneration Center: - massages - wraps - beer baths - dry carbonic baths - oxygen therapy - cosmetics - manicure, pedicure - hairdresser

Wellness studio. Services: - vacuum massages -vibrosauna -vacupower