Every professional laboratory should be equipped with refrigerators, disinfectants, gauges, weights, laboratory utensils, chemicals, dosing, special furniture, baths, sterilizers and other necessary technology for the most accurate results.

The Reference Laboratories of Natural Healing Resources carry out analyzes, assessments and controls the properties of mineral waters, peat, gases and also peat. We also carry out analytical and assessment work in the fields of hydrogeochemistry, microbiology, radiometry and balneotechnology PLZ, ZPMV and sources of free-standing mineral water, ...

The company OSEP, spol. s r.o. is dedicated to high and very high voltage services. We provide installation, repair of high-voltage substations, sale of new and refurbished transformers and our activity also includes a high-voltage test room. We operate throughout the Czech Republic. Sales, installation, maintenance, inspection, service, ...

Services: - engineering - geological survey - laboratory analysis of soils - boarding house

Dental laboratory. Production: - metal-ceramic and all-ceramic fixed and removable restorations and zirconium structures.