Pharmacy ensure the the sale of over-the-counter drugs, cosmetics, medical supplies, nutritional supplements, vitamins and minerals, dry goods, healthy food, teas, and other drugs, supplements and aids. Shop in a brick and mortar or internet pharmacies.

Investment activity in the field of real estate and operation of the e-shop

Retail, sales: -medicines (drugs). Services: -dispensing of prescription drugs for the public, a wide selection of over-the-counter medicines, children's nutrition, dental preparations, cosmetics, medical material and medical footwear. Partner pharmacy for products: WALMARK, GREEN-SWAN, VICHY, BIODERMA:

PHARMACY Sales, retail: -medicines, pharmaceuticals.

Sales and services: - complete pharmacy services - homeopathy - production, sale -advice for proper treatment -wellness consulting -nutritional counseling -diet regimen in diabetes - diet for internal, oncological and neurological diseases - phytotherapy -mixing teas according to your own recipe and according to the disease - delivery ...

Private pharmacy. Sale: - human and veterinary medicines - homeopathy.

Online pharmacy. Assortment of medicines, food supplements, medical equipment and aids.

pharmacy U krále Jiřího, Vinohradská 1318/99, Prague 2

Sale - medical footwear, material Private pharmacy - medical teas

PHARMACY. -homeopathy -pharmacy care including counseling - a full range of medicines (if the medicine is not currently in stock, it can be delivered by agreement, no later than the next working day) - basic homeopathy -a wide range of over-the-counter medicines and special nutritional foods - bandage material and aids for ...