Health care facilities general practitioners and specialists provides emergency assistance and long-term solutions to health problems. You can use both the state medical and health facilities, private practice, and pharmacies. Ability to purchase medicines, medical supplies and equipment.

Sale: - rehabilitation and compensatory aids canes, crutches, walkers, wheelchairs, toilet attachments, chairs.

Range of services provided: - proctological, dermatosurgical, orthopedic procedures. Phototherapy. Proctological procedures. Dermatosurgical operations. Orthopedic operations: Treatment of orthopedic and dermatological diseases (leg ulcers) and post-operative conditions. Every Tuesday from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., the office of general ...

A certified online SOS pharmacy is always there for you when you need pain medicine, flu medicine, vitamins, dietary supplements, weight loss medicine, baby food and more. Take advantage of our bonus program, cumulative discounts and free shipping.

General practitioner for adults - physical education doctor

Hairdresser's - women's - men's - children's - social hairstyles - adjustment of wigs - gift cards Cosmetics - eyelash and eyebrow dyeing - facial massages - changes in appearance - consultancy Manicure Interpretations of cards - numerology Sale - ...

Production: - medical technology, physical therapy, especially pulse magnetotherapy. - dermocosmetics and food supplements

Exercise for pregnant women. Private and also individual courses for pregnant women. Prenatal, delivery and postnatal assistance.