Health care facilities general practitioners and specialists provides emergency assistance and long-term solutions to health problems. You can use both the state medical and health facilities, private practice, and pharmacies. Ability to purchase medicines, medical supplies and equipment.

Rehabilitation doctor. Other surgeries: - Bruntálská 129, Bruntál, phone number 554582250.

General practitioner for adults: MD Radan Míček MD Petra Mičková

Orthopedic ambulance: - manual medicine. Sonography of the musculoskeletal system.

General practitioner for children and adolescents. Pediatrician.

General practitioner for adults: - preventive health care - Possibility to order during office hours - prescription drug requirement - occupational medical care on the basis of concluded contracts

Accommodation in Jeseniky: -capacity 132 beds -only double rooms and rooms with three beds -4 suites -in rooms: -full sanitary facility, television, refrigerator, satellite, radio, telephone. In the building: -restaurant, coffee-bar, relaxation centre, balneo centre, fitness room, swimming-pool, gymnasium, sauna, whirlpool baths, solarium, ...

Services: - psychological counseling - diagnostics of relationships in classes using sociometric questionnaire B3 - group activities for pupils