The cultivation of plants, flowers, trees and shrubs is affected by using the right chemicals, such as fertilizers, protective spraying against pests or special nutrition for green plants. Get yourself to your garden the seeds of the plant in high quality.

Wholesale: -pesticides -agricultural commodities -fertilizers. Retail, sale: -economic and gardening supplies tools, seeds, wicker goods compound feed -feeds for animals -chemical plant protection products -Garden substrates and fertilizers -garden furniture, outdoor fireplaces -greenhouses, household utensils. Consulting for ...

Horticulture Jílek. Design, implementation, maintenance: - gardens. Garden shop: -flowers. - ornamental shrubs. -trees. -fertilizers, soils, boxes. -bark mulch.

Sale - flowers - decoration Services - delivery of flowers to the house

Garden center 4500 m2. Garden architecture. Flower arrangement. Decoration, consulting. Balcony plants, perennials, woody plants.

Flower shop. Retail, sales: -flowers. -ceramics.

Dvořák's trees. Sale: - fruit - ornamental trees - Christmas trees - spruce, fir, pine - hedges. Garden work: - planting trees and hedges, landscaping.

Services: - gardening -project Office -realization -nursery of ornamental trees. Sales, e-shop: -flowers, trees.

We deal with garden architecture. We have both a design office and a custom flower shop. We will visualize the garden for you. We install irrigation systems. We are based in the Congress Center in Prague 4.

Gardening, floristry. E-shop, retail, sales: - delivery of flowers, bouquets to the house, delivery of flowers to the house - cut, potted flowers, seedlings - ornamental and fruit trees, shrubs - seedlings, seeds, bulbs - fertilizers.

Horticulture. Growing, sale of ornamental flowers and fruit trees: - Hibiscus - pears - raspberries - Apple trees.

Horticulture, ornamental and fruit nursery - Ing. Jan Bielmacz offers a wide range of plants for your garden. You can find here many varieties of fruit trees, conifers, roses, ornamental shrubs and climbing trees. We are based in Kozolupy, Beroun district. Horticulture, fruit nursery, sale: Fruit trees, bushes:  - apricots, plums, peaches, ...