The cultivation of plants, flowers, trees and shrubs is affected by using the right chemicals, such as fertilizers, protective spraying against pests or special nutrition for green plants. Get yourself to your garden the seeds of the plant in high quality.

Sale - crushed bark - fertilizers Production - crushed bark

Wedding and flower service - bridal bouquet - table decoration - flowers for the bridesmaids - interior decoration

Flower and foodstyling, flowers, decoration. Accompanying flower decoration for banquets and various celebrations: - parties and celebrations for close company, where consumption itself is a surprising and entertaining program.

Sale of sand, gravel, mulch bark and soil.

Services: - flower service - floristic work - creation of a green wall from living plants - an arrangement of fresh cut flowers - implementation and maintenance of gardens - seasonal and Christmas decorations for shopping centers, companies, cities

Sale - flowers - cut flowers for weddings, christenings, receptions, graduations

E-shop: - garden equipment - gardening tools - irrigation - fertilizers - pumps - grass mixtures

We produce grass mixtures, seeds, grass seeds and fertilizers for establishing and restoring lawns. We provide consultancy, laboratory and delivery service.

Horticulture: - ornamental plants - fruit trees - ornamental trees - gardening material

We provide a complete tailor-made flower service. We offer a selection of non-traditional bouquets for men, women and children. We deliver flowers.

We offer you a range of services, starting with the design of floral decoration in the interior, delivery of plants of your choice, regular or one-off service and/or rental. We will help you arrange flowers for various occasions, such as weddings, receptions, corporate or private parties. Our other services include garden architecture, starting ...

Decoration - seasonal Valentine's Day, Easter, Advent and Christmas - specific to the client's wishes, floral arrangements for the birth of a child, for graduation, thematic decoration for the opening of exhibitions, interior decoration - offices - hotels - restaurant - corporate event parties - balls - festivals of ...

"FanFanTulipán" - a network of retail stores where beautiful flowers are sold at wholesale prices! Are you looking for a place to buy quality flowers? No problem, just a few mouse clicks! Import of flowers from "FanFanTulipán"! With the help of our website, you have the opportunity to buy flowers practically all over Prague. We have pleasant ...

Activities: - establishment and maintenance of garden modifications - landscaping and reclamation - Technical Services - cutting and treatment of trees - installation of irrigation systems - floral decoration of interiors and exteriors - sale of various types of soil and mulching material - delivery of elements of small architecture - ...

Focus of activity: - breeding of flowers and vegetables - breeding, propagation and trade in fruit species and some field crops - production of ornamental plants. A large part of production is occupied by engineering production: - production of steel structures - production of greenhouses - hot-dip galvanizing.

Sale: - garden plants - substrates and bark - seeds - fertilizers and sprays - ceramic and plastic boxes and flower pots. Implementation and modification of gardens.

We offer you a large selection of cut flowers: - gift, classic, wedding and mourning binding - holiday decorations. - potted flowers and decorations made of dry matter We also offer decoration for shops, restaurants and hotels. is a flower shop with a brick-and-mortar location in Prague. We have a wide selection of ...

Sale - garden ceramics - home accessories - fertilizers - flowers - flower pots

Mediation of services and trade in Karlínské dvor. We welcome you to our yard in Karlín. We offer products in the style of Provence in the shop with flowers, from spring also horticulture, a small market and seating - all in the style of French Provence (we are still finishing the space according to our ideas).