The cultivation of plants, flowers, trees and shrubs is affected by using the right chemicals, such as fertilizers, protective spraying against pests or special nutrition for green plants. Get yourself to your garden the seeds of the plant in high quality.

Sale: - Brown coal - Crushed - ducks - sand - bark mulch

Gardening, floristry. Sale: - ornamental trees, shrubs - flowers - room flowers - perennials, rock plants - fruit trees - gardening substrates, fertilizers.

Sale of flowers, ties and gift items.

Services: -flower arrangement - floral decorations

NON-STOP DISPATCH: 603229333, 604250333 Funeral service, undertaker, services: - we provide transportation of the deceased throughout the Czech Republic and from abroad - provision of comprehensive services - a large selection of coffins - provision of flower decoration, pending death notice - provision of dispersion and spills - ...