For hot air heating it is advisable to use a wood stove or fireplace. Production, sale and installation of fireplace inserts, tile stoves, electric fireplaces, bio fireplaces, open fireplaces or fireplace tools, metal sheets under the stove and paravánů is always under the guidance of experienced professionals.

Sale - chimneyless fireplaces - coal - firewood - briquettes.

Our company was established in 2004, we have continued activities of the ZEPOL osiva Ltd. company. In 2008 we expanded our services by retail sale of gardening and pet supplies, by decorative production for gardens, construction of garden ponds and sale of eco-friendly pellets and briquettes. Our main activity is post-harvest treatment of seeds ...

Sales, assembly, realization: - chimneys, ECO chimney systems - chimney liners - fireplaces, stoves

Production: -construction work -reconstruction of apartment cores -construction of indoor and outdoor fireplaces -complete exterior solutions - barbecue, garden ponds.