The modern home include furniture. Let you made to order classic and queen size beds, built-in cupboards, desk and conference tables, kitchen cabinets or a living wall, which will be designed with regard to the disposition of your home.

Production, sale, distribution: - custom-made furniture, realization of interiors, kitchens, built-in wardrobes, living rooms and more. - custom production of furniture from laminate, veneer and wood - furniture for atypical spaces, kitchen units, office furniture, built-in wardrobes, living rooms, bedrooms, children's rooms, beds, ...

Production-furniture, furniture. Complete reconstruction of interiors, which may also include custom-made furniture. We provide a complete service from consulting, graphic design, import and assembly, including delivery of kitchen appliances. Renovation of apartment cores, kitchens and hallways, other interiors and corporate spaces such as ...

RISTOL-Carpentry work: - custom furniture production, furniture according to requirements and wishes customer. - furniture production according to your taste and wishes -we produce from all available artificial and natural materials in realistic shapes and shades with combination various accessories - solid wood beds -robust massive ...

Designs, solutions in 3D, orientation and calculations for free, production, transportation, installation: Woodworking, material-massive, veneered slats, LTD, laminate: - complete implementation of interiors -children's furniture, living room walls, garden furniture -kitchen lines including appliances - dining sets -inbuilt ...

Carpentry work, production, sale: -custom-made kitchens, kitchen units, living rooms and children's rooms, bedrooms, beds, doors, stairs, floors, built-in wardrobes, living room walls, bedrooms, custom-made furniture, built-in wardrobes, bathroom furniture, office furniture, doors, stairs, garden furniture, pergolas, door frames. We ...

Production: - kitchen counters - renovation of kitchen units - inbuilt wardrobe - children's and living rooms - beds - offices and other atypical furniture at the customer's request.

Design, production, turnkey delivery, installation: -custom production: -staircase -built-in door -kitchen counters -bathroom furniture - atypical exhibition stands - total solution of interiors.