Office chairs, healthcare chairs, work tables, drawers and other storage spaces are essential elements of any office, den or student's corner. In schools they find on the contrary the application of school desks, less sturdy chairs and school lockers.

Sale: - height adjustable tables.

Custom production, joinery: - pergolas - garden houses - the kitchen - office and garden furniture - entrance door - stairs - the kitchen - children's rooms - inbuilt wardrobe - bedroom - tables - entrance door.

Renovation: - antique furniture - furniture. Custom production: - the kitchen - office furniture - bathroom furniture - furniture.

Production: - wooden staircase, wooden railings, wooden stairs - massive balconies - decorative beams - dividing walls - peasant sofa sets - doors, door frames - office furniture - wooden floor coverings - wall and ceiling coverings.

Carpentry, carpentry work, interior design including appliances and architectural design. Production: - custom-made furniture - laminate, solid wood - kitchen, kitchen units: - 3D visualization - aluminum door - lacquered doors - paint shop - light bottoms - sinks - worktops - Staron artificial stones - rooms - ...