To household equipment inherently belongs furniture. In the rich assortment you will find the classic, double and bunk beds, conference, dining or writing tables, office chairs and armchairs, chests of drawers, cabinets, shelves and racks, showcases, seats or sofas.

Joinery and carving work - garden decoration - statues - the kitchen - stairs - inbuilt wardrobe - beds - living rooms - office and school furniture Production, sale, delivery, assembly - the kitchen Sales, delivery, assembly - office furniture Production - office ... is an e-shop specialized in quality RAVAK bathroom equipment. We offer a wide range of bathtubs, showers, sinks, faucets, bathroom furniture, electronics, RAVAK radiators. Low prices, professional advice, fast service, safe and reliable purchase. We offer only the best and most advantageous delivery methods as well as the possibility of ...

Sale - used Dutch furniture only in the best quality - we will deliver the furniture to the destination

Production, sale: - complete implementation of interiors offices, offices, libraries, workshops - express office within 3 days - own office chairs and armchairs production -3D interior designs pending and for free -screen systems, office accessories - repair and service - office chairs -ISO 9001:2001

Joinery: - custom production of interiors - kitchen counters - interior and entrance doors - furniture for bedrooms, living rooms and children's rooms - stairs and stair cladding - tables and chairs - floating floors.

Production, assembly: - custom-made kitchen units - wardrobes and built-in wardrobes - living walls - bed furniture - computer desks - seating furniture - mirrors - table furniture - internal windowsills - interior doors made of solid wood including solid furs and linings - installation of doors, furers and linings from the ...

Custom production: - interiors - hotels, bars, banks - furniture - veneered interiors Joinery.

Carpentry, carpentry. Production: - the kitchen - wardrobes - bedroom - living rooms - offices - bathrooms - file cabinets, counters. Headquarters: - Chelčického 219, Žamberk.