Metal fabrication offers custom built single-part and large-scale production of metal components. It is possible to realize the products virtually of any material. Engineering in the CZECH republic offers a high standard of production arising from a long tradition, and that in the field of production of materials and machining.

Engineering. - production of residential and office containers 10' - 30' - production of sanitary containers 10' - 30' - welded subassemblies - pressing work on presses of 100 t - work on a press brake

Production: - parts for machines and cars - spare parts - soundproofing panels for gas turbines - air supply pipe for gas turbines - frames for fixing bus engines - technological parts for production lines - pallets for the automotive industry - agricultural machinery - other products according to drawings ...

Metalworking. Production: - metal fences, fence fields. Tire service. Sales, repairs, replacement, replacement: - tires for cars and vans. Car service. Repairs, replacements: - oils and filters for cars and trucks - brakes, bearings, shock absorbers, exhausts. Car wash. Manual washing of vehicles. Road transport. Sales, ...