Get your home air conditioning, fans, air purifiers, heaters or dehumidifiers, that fall into the hvac. Air conditioning window, parapet, wall, fans, industrial, pipe, ceiling and many other types, suitable for home and companies.

The Miroslav Vaněk company provides services in the field of metal production as part of its business activities. We specialize in locksmith work and we also manufacture and install pipes for air conditioning. We also focus on plumbing, roofing and carpentry work and related roofing and reconstruction. If you are interested in the offer ...

The main activity of Kabourek - VZT, s.r.o. is a production, supply, assembly, customer service air conditioning. We offer comprehensive services from design to commissioning, adjustment and testing of HVAC equipment. We are based in Litoměřice, our production plant can be found in the village of Bořislav. Production, delivery, assembly, ...

Our company based in the district of Litoměřice offers its customers installation, repair and service of air conditioning equipment for apartments and offices, heat pumps and industrial air conditioning. We do our job well and we always try to meet customer requirements. Our services: - assembly, repairs and service - air conditioning ...

Sales, installation, service: - air conditioning - air purifiers - heat pumps

Sales, repairs and service: - cooling device - industrial air conditioning

Delivery, installation, service: - ventilation system - air conditioning - insulation of air ducts. Revision: - fire dampers - fire wall closures

Production, assembly: - air conditioning, ventilation, heating and air conditioning.

Activity: - plumbing work - installation of gutter systems Production, assembly: - ventilation system Sale: - plumbing elements

Services: - electrical installation including projects and revisions Production, assembly, repair, service: - electrical machines - cooling device - ventilation system Repair, service: - electric motors

Repair, service: - refrigerators and freezers - industrial cooling - domestic and industrial air conditioners - car air conditioning Sale: - electrical appliances - electronics - air conditioning - cooling and freezing equipment for stores

Production, assembly, installation, service, revision: - air conditioning equipment, air conditioning technology: - ventilation, heating and air conditioning. Plumbing, plumbing work.

Production, assembly, service, complete sales: -ventilation system.

E-shop with the support of a brick-and-mortar store in Libochovice, specialized in fans, lamps and led bulbs, ventilation grilles, electrical material, electrical. We offer the same prices in our brick-and-mortar store as in our e-shop.

Design activities in the field of central heating, medical technology, air conditioning, gas pipelines, utility networks, alternative sources