Choose from a wide range of fire fighting equipment and appliances and secure your object. Fire extinguishers water, foam and snow, hose systems, fire hoses, fire seals and fastenings or maybe the security table should not be missing in any building.

Revision - extinguishers - hydrants Plumbing work Roofing work

Services in the field of health and safety at work Services in the field of PO fire protection

Sales, revisions, checks and repairs: - fire extinguishers - fire water mains. Revision: - dry pipes - fire dampers. Processing of fire safety solutions for construction documentation. Technical and organizational activities in the field of fire protection, employee training and PO documentation processing for natural and legal ...

Services - consulting and training in the field of health and safety at work and PO fire protection - revision of electrical equipment, handling carts, cranes and lifting equipment

Activity: - health and safety services, PO - training work safety, fire protection.