The industry can not do without the gauges and control techniques for precise and unambiguous measurement. Between this technique include pressure gauges, laboratory and inspection measuring instruments, hlukoměry, revolution counters, thermometers and temperature sensor and technique for measuring the conductivity.

Activity: - radon measurement in buildings - determining the radon index of the land

Activity: - projection and building physics - building certification: certificates of energy performance of buildings. Office Palackého náměstí 106 386 01 Magpie

Activity: - energy audits - thermal imaging - certificates of energy performance of buildings (PENB) - advice on the use of alternative energy sources.

Installation, service, maintenance, revision: - heating - underfloor heating - industrial gas pipelines - gas distribution and regulation - domestic gas pipelines Services: - maintenance of control stations and gas pressure regulators.

Installation and service of air conditioning, air conditioning and heating

E-shop and sales: - workshop and household equipment - garden equipment - fireplaces -stoves -wooden pellets - ecological fuel - cleaning technique - car accessories -measuring equipment - machine tools - hand and power tools -welders -lamps - construction machinery. Transport: - delivery of goods ...