Laboratory chemicals, such as acetone, ethanol, ammonia, organic and inorganic acids, aniline, octany, manganese dioxide, the reducing and oxidizing agents, catalysts, distilled water and many more are needed in every chemical and biological laboratory.

Sale: - organic and inorganic chemicals, substances and devices for molecular biology and genetics, plastic tools for laboratories.

Production and sale: - liquid chromatography - solid phase chromatography - sorbents - silica gel and polymeric HEMA - ion and affinity chromatography - analytical and preparatory column - Dorcus vacuum separator - supercharging.

Sale - products intended for disposal of the consequences of misuse of chemical, biological and radioactive substances

Sale - special chemistry - pharmaceutical chemistry Distribution - pharmaceutical chemistry

A fast and reliable partner in solving analytical problems of laboratories. Our activities are: - distribution of analytical instruments and accessories for gas chromatography (GC), high-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC), ion chromatography (IC), thin-layer chromatography (TLC), capillary electrophoresis (CE), and other analytical ...