Solid fuel in boilers include fossil and renewable fuels. Among the most widely used fossil fuels include hard coal and brown coal, among the renewable wood, and even in the form of wood pellets or briquettes. Solid fuels represent the cheapest option of heating.

Sale of feed for aquarium fish. Sale of coconut briquettes for grilling.

Coal warehouses, sale: - coal - briquettes - sand, gravel.

Activity: - forestry services - logging, bringing wood - cultivation activity. Sale: - firewood. Utilities: - mowing the grass around the roads - shoveling snow with a tractor.

Equipment and equipment of corporate interiors on a turnkey basis.

Sale: - firewood, firewood - seedlings of forest trees. Services: - purchase of wood.

Sawmill, production, sale: - boards - slats - roof battens - prisms, beams - fuel - corks - sawdust

Services: - comprehensive or even partial services to forest owners - logging and approaching wood - deforestation of construction areas - cultivation activity - height work - sale of firewood in lengths of 2 - 6 m

Sale: - wooden pellets from the Royal Pellets brand.

Sale - fuel and fireplace wood - wood briquettes. Services - risky felling and maintenance of greenery.

Production of biofuels as a renewable energy source - wood pellets, briquettes.

Production, sale: - charcoal - grill briquettes.

Purchase and sale of pallets Sales, e-shop: - briquettes - pellets - firewood - paper - hollow packaging Production: - Distilled water.

Coal warehouses sale : - coal - briquettes - coke - sands - gravel - crush Container transport - delivery and removal of containers removal of construction material, waste.. Trutnov branch: Elektrárenská 548 734 575 555

Retail, sales: - soft and hard firewood, firewood - chopped firewood (firewood).

- Mediation of business and services -Wholesale and retail

Sale: - briquettes with excellent calorific value - ornamental stones for gardens. Services: -truck transport -drink''n''drive transport in Brno.

Services: - forestry - mining and cultivation activities - purchase of firewood - sale of firewood

We maintain urban forests, small watercourses and water works, we take care of the special protection of the territory and we spread awareness about ecological education. Our activities include: Urban forests - forest park Šárka, Chuchle, Hostivař, Hodkovičky, Bohnice - new plantings, cultivation and restoration of the forest - picnic ...