In the product range of industrial gases you will find a very diverse range of products, such as gases for gas welding, it acetylene and oxygen, then ammonia for ice production, hydrogen as a reducing agent, helium for filling balloons or argon and other.

Sales of technical gases to AIR PRODUCTS. - Argon - CO2 - Helium - Hydrogen . Nitrogen - Oxygen - gaseous mixtures - special gases - gases for welding / thermal separation - personal collection and delivery to customers

Production, wholesale: - technical gases.

Purchase and sale of fuels, LPG, GAS, PROPANE BUTANE. Sales at public gas stations. Sale and purchase of PB bottles 2, 10, 33 kg. Public gas station: - LPG Bělotín. Trolley rental. Sale of draft beer and rental of refrigeration tap equipment. Sale of general merchandise. Motel and hostel.