A bargain lunch menu, distribution of meals, gourmet food, specials on the menu and much more provide restaurant facilities. You can visit the restaurant dedicated to one cuisine, such as Italian, French, Czech, thai or chinese.

Food delivery - food delivery for companies and companies in Pilsen and its surroundings.

Production and sale - delicacies - cold kitchen - desserts, confectionery production - catering - hot meals.

Services, accommodation: - hotel - restaurant - training room

Gastronomic services - catering - race and school meals - drinks machines, canteen equipment.

Services: - confectionery - a cafe Production: - cakes - ice cream and frozen cakes

Burger restaurant - catering services.

We offer catering for companies and individuals. We provide lunches and catering.

Services: - box diet - preparation of healthy meals with delivery to your home

Multifunctional equipment, multi-purpose club - live music of various genres - dance parties - theatrical performance - film projections - exhibitions, openings - Bistro and Cafe - rent of club premises

Fast food - production and import of sandwiches, baguettes and sandwiches.

Services: -financial advice -intermediation of loans and mortgages - client insurance -debt elimination -Real estate activities - catering services

Restaurant - lunch menu - food distribution - pizza - the possibility of organizing social events