Relax in the classic, thai, sports, lymphatic massage or during the massage cupping in one of the best massage parlors. Massage studio offers physiotherapy and relaxing treatments, but also small snacks and facilities for relaxation.

Delivery of wellness products and services - rocking chairs - shangri-la - materials - Duracord, Sisal, Tauari

Massage Salon Baobab offers a relaxing and healing real Malagasy massage of the whole body or its parts. Visit us in Prostějov in Salon Baobab and let not only your body but also your soul rest. We offer cosmetic procedures exactly tailored for you. Madagascar massage means special massage techniques (touches) combined with Madagascar ...

Massages: - Classic massages - manual lymphatic drainage of the feet - bioenergetic relief of muscle pain - counseling center for the regeneration of forces by natural means - light therapy with polarized light with the BioStimul device - prophecy of the development of the near destiny at a distance

Services: - cosmetics - hairdressing - Massages

Cosmetics. Permanent makeup. Manicure. Hairdresser's. Nail modeling. Massages. Body wraps. Instrumental lymphatic drainage. Cupping. Aesthetic surgery.

Massage: - classical, sports, reconditioning, pregnancy, lymphatic, lava stone, Ayurvedic, cupping, infrared sauna massages. Cosmetic skin treatment with Syn Care cosmetics

Massage: - Shiatsu - Reiki therapy - reconditioning massages - Chinese pressure massage - sports massages - reflex massages - lymphatic drainage - ear candles.

Cosmetic studio LUSTY - cosmetic services - massages - lymphatic drainage - cellulite reduction - paraffin wraps with sea mud

Wellness studio: - vibrating sauna - vacu well - vacuum stepper - massage armchair.

Services: - association for helping the disabled - training center - hyporehabilitation center - transportation of horses.