Relax in the classic, thai, sports, lymphatic massage or during the massage cupping in one of the best massage parlors. Massage studio offers physiotherapy and relaxing treatments, but also small snacks and facilities for relaxation.

Massage: -honey massage -classic massage - reflexology massage -Lymphatic massage -Dorn's method - facial aroma massage - Breuss massage -cupping -phototherapy.

- Massage, reconditioning and regeneration services - Music production - Personal development and consultation

Services - classic reconditioning and regenerating massages - reflex therapy of the soles of the feet - Breuss massage

Production: -skis - slopes, cross-country skis, snowboards, racing specials. Sale: -Everything for skiers. Services: -ASB squash courts -Finnish sauna -gym to strengthen the condition -massage to relax the body.

Pilates Seminars for kindergarten and primary school teachers - exercises with overballs, breathing exercises, postures, correct posture Massages (classic, aroma, lymphatic, ...) - health physical education - cupping - spinal touch.

Fitness center: - aerobics, exercise - solarium - lymphatic massage - manicure, pedicure.

Services: - Massages - masseuse - reflexology.

Services: -massage -cosmetics -mail nail modeling, pedicure - VacuShape.

Services in the field: -reconditioning massages - reflexology massages -regenerative massages -reiki -exercises. Recovery programs: health counseling service

Services: -lymph drainage, lymph massage - cavitation - radio frequency - ultrasound - sale of cosmetic products -massage: angel, crystal, lava stones -mud and chocolate wraps -biostimul - treatment polariz. by light -reikis, horoscopes -SBS Forza balance bracelets