Relax in the classic, thai, sports, lymphatic massage or during the massage cupping in one of the best massage parlors. Massage studio offers physiotherapy and relaxing treatments, but also small snacks and facilities for relaxation.

Services: - massages - massage courses.

Massage Bohdana cosmetics offers various types of massages such as honey, aroma or fruit, herbal or rice bag massages, but we also perform cupping, lava stone massage or lymphatic, reflex and Chinese massage and others. Here you will also find an offer of German cosmetics and Janssen products. Massage: -classic Swedish massage -lava ...

Services: - cavitation -lipodestruction -removal of cellulite by the 3rd generation method -cryolipolysis -release of lymph nodes - machine lymphoma massage -exercise on a vibrating platform -relaxation massages -smoothing of scars, lifting of sagging skin -smoothing out wrinkles and turning off facial contours - cosmetic ...

Massage studio Masáže Peťule - offers a pleasant environment for relaxation in the center of Zlín. Massages in Zlín - Petra Taušová - massages, classic massage, massage with lava stones, chocolate massage

Regenerative, reconditioning and sports massages, hot stones, cupping, Dorn's method, manual lymphatic drainage, bamboo massage

Massage, reconditioning and regeneration services: - craniosacral therapy - manual lymphatic drainage - reflex therapy - Breuss massage.

A company dealing with effective energetic exercise in groups on stationary bikes - SPINNING.

Massage: - cupping - honey, chocolate, lymphatic massage - smoothing facial massage - anti-cellulite - massages with hot shells - foot reflexology.

Spa, massage: - massages are performed by native Cambodian women - Khmer massage - dry massage focused on pressure points - traditional full body massage - head and neck massage - foot, head, neck and back massage - 4-hand massage of the whole body -aroma massage -herbal massages. Winter events: - chocolate massage now 900 ...

Butterfly massages are great for relaxation: - release energy blocks - helps the body heal itself - suitable for everyone - the effect is strong and permanent - these are gentle touches on the limbs and head Also the possibility of sports massages.

Massage services: - relaxing massages - regenerative massages - Breuss massages - Dorn's method - massage with hot Tokoriki shells - Indian head massage - mobilization techniques - kinesiotaping - cupping - Spinal Touch

Massage, sauna - classic - cupping - lymphatic - lava stones - anti-cellulite - Hawaiian

Fryšták massages - relaxing classic massage - massage with lava stones - infrared sauna - ear candles

Services: -hairdresser's: - hair and eyelash extensions -cosmetics: -vacuprass - massages - infrared sauna - self-tan spray -permanent make-up -dental crystal -nail modeling -solarium.

Massage: - intuitive anti-stress massage: - combination of metamorphic, chakra, meridian massage and reiki. - sophiotherapy - Dorn's method - metamorphic technique - Reiki - comparison of chakras - chakra technique. Meditation.

Let yourself be pampered and relax in the A studio in Zlín. Services: - classic, relaxing, aroma massage - honey massage - cupping - reflex massage of the soles of the feet - Thai oil massage - lymphatic massage of the face and décolletage.

Rehabilitation, electrotherapy, massages, instrumental lymphatic drainage, anti-cellulite program, cupping, taping.

Massage: - lymphatic - classic - cupping - reflexive - meridians - energetic. Retail, sales: - mineral and healing stones.

Services: - massages: -reconditioning and relaxation - lava stones -Chinese energy -face lifting -honey - facial massage -ear candles - anti-cellulite massage + ozone wrap -Hawaiian - Breuss massage -Dorn's method.

Massage, regeneration and reconditioning services - classic Swedish massages - manual lymphatic drainage - honey detoxification massages - cupping - children's massages - aromatherapy

Services: - hairdresser - manicure - pedicure - massages

Relaxing, energetic, lymphatic, honey, chocolate, Hawaiian massages - massage with lava stones, Thai foot massage, reflexology flat massage.