In the menu of computer and internet services, see the administration and provision of computer network and internet connection, web hosting, creating web pages, programming applications, telecommunications services, business information systems or IT consulting.

Inzertní noviny Risk, Kladno - free private classifieds: free private advertising - print ads. Reklamní noviny Special - advertising, printed regional advertising focused on Kladno, Slaný, Rakovník, Prague - west ... Posting an ad: - by telephone: 312 29 29 11; 606 606 364; 605 471 681 SMS: 608 12 12 42 - personal service in the center of ...

Services: - accounting, wages, taxes, records, HR, accounting reconstruction, sale of accounting sw.

Development and sales: - software for personnel and payroll, payroll processing. SW for the environment: chemicals, air, labels, packaging, SQLEMS, emissions, fee processing, ISPOP.

Sales, service, e-shop: - computers - laptops - accessories - software