In the menu of computer and internet services, see the administration and provision of computer network and internet connection, web hosting, creating web pages, programming applications, telecommunications services, business information systems or IT consulting.

Sales, repair, service: - computing - software Services: - data recovery - computer virus removal - LAN and WiFi service

Sale: - computers - components Services: - webdesign - web hosting

Services: - website creation - graphic design

Graphic designs VOIP telephony over the Internet Sale - computing - laptops - Consumables Service: - computing SEO search engine optimization Internet connection Production - websites - online stores Domain registration Installation and administration: - optical, metallic and wireless computer networks

-Manufacture, reproduction, distribution, sale, rental of audio and audio-visual recordings and production of unrecorded data carriers and recordings -Provision of software, information technology consulting, data processing, hosting and related activities and web portals -Preparation and elaboration of technical designs, graphic and drawing ...

Website design, webdesign Internet shops, web hosting Seo optimization Software products

Services: - IT consulting - network management - software audits - outsourcing - web hosting - telecommunications

Software testing and automation consultant.

VoIP telephony services over the Internet Wireless internet connection - for households, companies and state institutions - in the villages: Skalička, Všechovice, Drásov, Dlouhá Lhota, Čebín, Malhostovice, Lažany, Milonice, Lipůvka, Hluboké Dvory, Malá Lhota, Lubě, Sentice, Maršov (Brno-venkov), Lažánky (Brno-venkov), Braníškov, Javůrek , ...

Delivery, sale, service: - computers, computer technology Services: - creation of computer networks - server administration - web hosting.

Services: - website creation - graphic work - Internet advertising - web hosting.

Services: - creation of web animations, advertising banners, Flash games.

Development, sales: - computer security software.

Services - customized software solutions - programming - consulting in the field of information technology.

Services - web design - SEO optimization - PPC advertising, targeted advertising in search engines - social networks.

Consulting and consulting activities in the field of injection molds for plastic parts - design of plastic parts - analysis of injection, filling.

Services: - web design - Web applications.

Development: - Information Systems - Mobile application - Web applications.

Web design. Graphic work. Delivery, assembly, PC service, network management. Internet connection.

Internet connection. Web design. Web hosting. Sales and service of computers.

Software and hardware audit Comprehensive management - information technology in the company Proposals and implementation - PC networks