In the menu of computer and internet services, see the administration and provision of computer network and internet connection, web hosting, creating web pages, programming applications, telecommunications services, business information systems or IT consulting.

The company was founded in 1992, where the main focus is on the development of custom application solutions based on the optimal combination of customer requirements and top technologies. We provide a wide range of IT services, starting with consultations and problem solving, ending with solution mediation and data transfer in the solved ...

OpavaNet a.s. It has been providing you with quality internet in Opava and its surroundings for many years. We also offer internet and telephone services, cable and digital HD TV, data transmission, security solutions, web hosting and web design. In the cities of Opava, Bruntal, Novy Jicin, Horni Benesov and part of Ostrava, the company has ...

Development, sales: - Compensatory aids for the blind, partially sighted and the elderly - software to access all common activities on Windows systems for the visually impaired and the fully blind - camera magnifiers, digital magnifiers - printed document reader

Services: - search engine optimization, SEO management - PPC internet advertising campaigns - copywriting - website creation, webdesign

The company Integsoft s.r.o. deals with the design and creation of services and applications based on Java technology.

The company's activities can be divided into several areas: - hosting services - domains - server rental - managed, dedic, virtual servers - programming work - graphic work - consulting in the field of SW and HW.

We offer: - software development - creation of web presentations -design and implementation of LAN networks -installation and management of networks -outsourcing

Internet telephony Internet connection Coverage: - Bobrovníky, Dobroslavice, Hlučín - Hošťálkovice, Lhotka, Ludgeřovice - Markvartovice, Petřkovice, Vrablovec

- wireless connection - internet - IPTV television - VOIP phone - IT service

Internet administrator of the horticultural information portal. - brand building - web hosting - print production and printing

Retail, sale, installation, comprehensive service, E-shop: - computer technology, computers, PC (hardware, software) - branded computers and laptops HAL3000, ACER - robotic vacuum cleaners. Proposals, implementation, administration: - metallic and optical computer networks - wireless networks (WiFi) - security and access systems - ...

We offer services in the field of internet presentation. Production of presentation and promotional videos, advertisements, reports, documents.

We create cheap websites with an original design. We create complete corporate identities, logos, catalogs, business cards, flyers, posters, billboards, packaging and more.

- website - web applications and programming - copywriting - internet marketing - advertising banners and printed matter - search - consultations and training

Projection: - information processing - computing Provision of software: - sale of finished programs on the basis of a contract with the authors or making custom programs Training activities - computing - software

Repairs, conversions, sales: - computing Repairs, sales: - monitors - printers - scanners - copiers - faxes - answering machines - modems - telephone exchanges. Software consulting and local computer networks.

Internet connection provider in Hlučín. Locations covered by the signal: - Bobrovníky, Bolatice, Borová, Darkovice, Darkovičky, Děhylov - Dolní Benešov, Hať, Háj, Hlučín, Jilešovice, Kozmice, Kravaře - Ludgeřovice, Markvartovice, Petřkovice, Plesná, Šilheřovice - Štěpánkovice, Vrablovec, Vřesina u Hlučína, Zábřeh

Services: - software development for the preparation of digital learning materials.

Sale: - database software and programs for pedagogical-psychological counseling.

Activity: - IT services - webdesign - software application development

Services: - Unlimited internet access 24 hours a day - no restrictions on downloaded data - remote monitoring, monitoring - 24-hour telephone service - measuring the availability of the service free of charge.

The company TRIWARE spol. s. r. o. provides services in the field of information technology, hardware and software.

Services: - software and application development.

Services: - Internet Access - television - complete IT services and service