In the menu of computer and internet services, see the administration and provision of computer network and internet connection, web hosting, creating web pages, programming applications, telecommunications services, business information systems or IT consulting.

ROOT IT s.r.o.
Company ROOT IT s.r.o. Established in 1992, it has focused on the IT needs of small and medium-sized businesses from the outset. We focus on efficiency in the purchase and operation of enterprise IT, their reliable operation and development - intranet, CAD graphics systems, enterprise information systems, network management, CRM and IT ...
Sales, installation, service: - restaurant and cash register software - cash registers - computing - computer networks - Consumables.

Information systems for transport and logistics - development of complex and flexible software - a range of tailor-made components - a wide range of accompanying services - stable product quality and long-term success - a number of important awards given by our customers - involvement in European railway research Shift2Rail as one of the ...

Our company deals with the provision of internet connection for households and companies, the installation of security cameras and the installation of TV antennas and distribution systems.

Creation of databases, GIS applications in many environments and systems, development and production of SW, web presentations, shops, ..... data collection, creation of maps, map servers

We provide comprehensive management of data networks for medium-sized companies and institutions. We deliver server solutions, computers, disk arrays and LAN networks in the Olomouc region. Do not hesitate to contact us, we will be happy to take care of you.