In the menu of computer and internet services, see the administration and provision of computer network and internet connection, web hosting, creating web pages, programming applications, telecommunications services, business information systems or IT consulting.

Services - custom software development - web application - IT services - outsourcing.

Services - development, operation and management of information and education systems - creation and operation of the information system School OnLine.

Services: - creation of e-shops, internet shops

Services: - creative web design - online marketing - website creation - online application - advertising campaigns

Sales, development: - ticket, box office, camera systems. Services: - web hosting - registration, domain management - construction, administration of computer networks - DTP services.

Creation: - applications for smartphones, tablets - customer applications.

Services - webdesign, websites - road hosting - marketing - graphic design.

Creation, sale: - software for connecting e-shop and accounting systems

Services - webdesign, website creation - Mobile application.

Development: - a program serving as a tool for registration, calibration and calculation of the capability of all types of meters

Services: - administration, outsourcing of computer networks - custom software development - data processing, management.

Services: - webdesign - creation of websites, applications.

Services: - marketing - website audit - copywriting - webdesign

Services: - digital marketing - Campaigns for Google and List - creation of banners - social networks - website creation

Advertising Agency: - Graphic Design - printing - photography - promotional items - signmaking - website creation

Services - custom software development - management of information systems.

Services - web applications, information systems - programming.

Providing services in advertising, graphics, design and web development.

Production and supply of software for municipal authorities and municipalities providing complete solutions for public administration information systems.

Development, services: - a business and communication system that helps clients get better prices or other benefits when shopping

Services: - active and passive telemarketing