In the menu of computer and internet services, see the administration and provision of computer network and internet connection, web hosting, creating web pages, programming applications, telecommunications services, business information systems or IT consulting.

Production: - semiconductor strain gauges

Services: - development of software for corporate energy management and heating regulation.

Repair, service: - computers Services: - Internet connection - creating a website

Retail, sales: - consumables from the field of computer technology -hardware -software -lamps Services: - web design -Internet Access

Services: - web design -both design - printed matter -corporate identities -photography

Development, sales: - MITCalc software for engineering, technical calculations

Services: - web application development - software development

Services: - Internet Access - cable television - hosting

Media representation, marketing. Training for companies and individuals. IT services - custom programming - web portals.

Graphic and creative studio - advertising campaigns - web design - presentation.

Assembly, repair, service: - optical networks - Structured cabling - area sound system - electronic security systems Electrical installation

Services: - software development - website creation - Dell hardware sales

Services: - application development - website creation - Records management - training

Services: - website creation - web design - internet marketing - logo designs

Advertising services. Advertising activity and marketing: -design processing and production -spreading advertising -market research. OrangeCube Division: Graphic and web design studio. Production of web pages, portals, e-shop, editorial system. Web hosting. Advertising on the Internet - SEO* - search engine optimization, search ...

The goal of our company is primarily to provide quality services in the field of internet, graphics and advertising. We also emphasize customer satisfaction, which we obtain through a combination of reliability, speed, realization of your ideas and the use of various technologies (eg: XHTML, PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, etc.). Main services ...

Telecommunications, Eurotel, Contactel. Representation-PALM, PDA-GPS. E-commerce (phones- accessories, pocket computers- accessories). Production, development: -computers -computer games -software.

Stormware s.r.o. - certified specialist of the POHODA system Authorized sales and warranty service center for KYOCERA digital printers. - PC Lynx and Premio.

Service and advice - computing Internet connection