In the menu of computer and internet services, see the administration and provision of computer network and internet connection, web hosting, creating web pages, programming applications, telecommunications services, business information systems or IT consulting.

Web design - website creation - graphic work.

Services: - complete service in the field of computer technology

Development, supplier: - economical software

Development, supplier: - economical software

Development, delivery: - Nortns software for standardizing time consumption in engineering

Sales, installation and service - camera systems - satellite systems - STA Service - satellite systems - STA Sale - computing Sales, installation and service - Internet connection

Sale - digital cameras - computer components and assemblies - laptops - accessories - monitors, printers, scanners - V7, GENIUS products - CD - R and RW media, minidisc, diskettes - PC cleaning products - CD stands and cases network elements INTELLINE sales and installation including transport - ...

Corporate video presentation, email campaigns, telephone campaigns, website translation from/to English, Russian, website production and management, seo, spaces for organizing seminars, events, presentations, gift packages...