In the menu of computer and internet services, see the administration and provision of computer network and internet connection, web hosting, creating web pages, programming applications, telecommunications services, business information systems or IT consulting.

Management - advertising campaigns Creation and programming - production - websites - online stores Traffic - web hosting servers - server hosting - virtual server hosting

WALACHIA NET - Internet provider. Services: - wireless internet connection on Wallachia - high-speed Internet -building computer networks: - WAN networks -servers for internet services - telecommunications services.

We provide comprehensive services in the field of information technology. We deal with the creation of static and dynamic web presentations, including graphic works. We ensure optimization of pages for search engines and their management. We sell computer technology.

Printer. Services: - graphic designs - art design and web design - offset printing: - business cards, flyers, calendars, catalogs, manuals, ... - letterpress - printing envelopes with the company logo, etc. - numbering and perforation of tickets and other printed materials

Toy mania. Online store, e-shop, e-shop, sale: - toys for kids: - social games - kit - stuffed animals - musical toys - creative, art toys - puzzle. FELISpro. Services: - converting recordings from videocassettes to DVD discs. - processing of old slides or digital photos on video recording - creating a ...

Services: - provision and creation of custom database software for Windows operating system: - software applications for small and medium-sized companies, self-employed.

- Extracurricular education and training, organization of courses, training, including lecturing activities -Advisory and consulting activities, processing of professional studies and assessments - Mediation of business and services -Wholesale and retail - Provision of software, consulting in the field of information technology, data ...

Proposals, implementation: - web design, web presentations, professional web pages - successful online stores, e-shops - business applications. Services: - web hosting - domain management - quality internet marketing: - optimization for SEO search engines - SEO audits - complete analysis of the current state websites - ...

Sales, service: - economic software ABRA. Services: - administration of local networks. Development, production: -software. Projection, delivery: -computer networks. Services: - consulting in the field of the Internet - online stores -training, courses, seminars for companies, the public -rental of training spaces.

Marcel Manderly's 4you agency offers you: - advertising and visibility in radio, cinemas, internet - maximum visibility at minimum prices on the market - graphic designs - creation of websites - photographic work - corporate and advertising printed matter - business cards, flyers, posters - calendars and more - media spots - ...

Sales, repair, service: - hardware equipment. Services: -management of company computer networks. Wholesale, retail, sales: - computing technology, computers. Creating a web presentation (web page), web design. Development, sales, installation, consulting: -software: - business information system eCompany - focused on ...

SEO optimization SEO analysis Marketing support E-shops Web presentations Graphic designs

Web design Development - custom software Advice - software Outsourcing - administration of networks, servers, workstations Staff training - software

Services: -DAKART - database file for kindergartens -Training of computer systems, networks and user applications -Administration of networks and systems (from installation to maintenance and technical support) -Safety of working with data (data archiving, data encryption, data safety and security) -Safe and irreversible deletion of data ...

Development, distribution, service of the EKONOM program - accounting and records system for small and medium-sized companies. Single and double-entry bookkeeping, payroll, warehouses, retail. Network versions. Services: simple and double-entry bookkeeping.

A software-consulting company specializing in the field of Java technologies. We deal with informatics. Outcoursing, implementation of customized information systems.

Production, sale: -grinding fan blades, heads with fan blades. Development, delivery: - custom software. Services: - development of CAD/CAM applications for the footwear industry - creation of websites - web design, web hosting.